Kendriya Vidyalaya No.2 Kanchrapara intends to provide all sorts of opportunity to each and everyone for the alround and harmonious development.
The vidyalaya is striving hard to provide the environment to the students through specially designed activities to help them realize their potential to the fullest extent and contribute usefully and effectively to the community so that when they pass out, they are not mere literates but educated in the real sense of the term. The vidyalaya provides many platforms which helps the children to come out with many creative ideas in the field of drawing, painting, short stories, poems etc. To inculcate reading habits, class libraries have been introduced in Primary and we are trying our level best to adopt CCE in its true spirit.
In this context, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to KVS authorities and Chairman, VMC for real impetus provided for creating and developing the vidyalaya website
Dear students, staff, Principals and I/C Principals of all KVs of Kolkata Region,